My Vision.


As this is a very big step for me I would like

to share a bit of my heart with you, by giving you an insight into who I am. For this I am going to spare you the usual story about how much I loved to dress my dolls as a child, or to glue fabric pieces together to create clothing together for them I’ll fast-forward to the part where I realized that I wanted to do fashion.

Coming to Europe as a 7-year-old girl, I have always been different especially when living in a predominantly white suburb. As much as my parents gave their absolute best to provide us with everything we needed, buying skirts for dolls was not really considered a necessity. Due to us not being able to afford all those little 'luxuries', as I would call them, I started DIYing my way through my childhood in creative ways and extended my creativity to my own clothing - very much to my parents' despair. Growing up I compared myself to my classmates and to my neighbors' kids, wearing branded clothing. I dreamed about red carpet looks put together by me.

"Fashion is such a creative, historical and inclusive field that it naturally ended up being a ventil for me - it sparked a light in me.’’

I wanted to dress people, have billboards with ads of my own brand, invite my family to fashion shows and make them proud. But once I grew up, I became more aware of society, social injustices, systemic racism and above it all the ongoing colonization of Africa. Being this aware made me even more determined to help change the narrative being told on Africa. I wanted to not only highlight the negatives sides colonization and capitalism have had on the African history but also the beauty of a continent that keeps standing up despite being torn apart for hundreds of decades.

Therefore it is my goal to give back to my roots - Africa and my homeland Cameroon. The culture and traditions have made me the woman I am today and will continue shaping me.

Cameroon is a beautiful country in central Africa, known as 'little Africa' because of its varied and vast vegetation of the highlands and sheer richness in natural resources. The talented and hardworking people of Cameroon work across the boards in agriculture, visual arts, performing arts as well as handicrafts. 

My Vision is to one day enable employment in Africa; to work together with incredibly talented women and men on craftsmanship only perfected in Africa and empower families to hold their own. It has and will always be an important part of my journey to include my roots and shed light unto the diversity as well as the struggles of the country.


This is for you. This is for us.


xoxo Cynthia.